DC Dead Tape Exchange


Peter, Ramsay, Bill, & Marc

Hanging out at the Hampton Inn, Middletown June 2003
Photo By Marc Posner, DC Dead Archives

gary working

Cats Under the Stars Jacket

Photo By Larry Pryluck, DC Dead Archives


the vault

Steve & Rebecca in the vault of the DC Dead Tape Exchange
June 1998


Mardi Gras 1982

Photo By Larry Pryluck, DC Dead Archives


t shirt and  tickets

DC Dead: The Next Generation


Larry, Peter, Marc, Chris, & Steve

Rick's Wedding May 10, 1981
Rick was considerate enough to set his wedding date between the 5-9 Nassau Coliseum show
and the  5-11 Veterans' Memorial Coliseum show.
Great planning Rick!
Photo By Marc Posner, DC Dead Archives